Monday, November 27, 2023

Questions from the Press re Arts Education, November 20, 2023.

Catching up today, with some questions from last week regarding Arts Education from the Press Democrat/Sonoma Index-Tribune for Sonoma Valley UnifiedPhoto is Margie with the giant inflatable Snowman in our front yard. 


1. How and when did Creative Bridges begin working with SVUSD on establishing a five-year Strategic Arts Education Plan?

Creative Bridges officially partnered with SVUSD to work on the Strategic Arts Education Plan as part of a collaboration involving 45 nonprofits aiming to improve and expand arts education for all students​. Creative Bridges' partnership with SVUSD is an excellent example of collaboration and thorough preparation. This successful collaboration model, where stakeholders engage in prebriefing and one-on-one discussions with trustees, sets a standard for how proposals should be presented to the board.

2. Why is it important for Sonoma Valley Unified School District to have a strong arts education program?

A strong arts education program is vital for SVUSD to provide every student with a vibrant, culturally relevant, and sequential standards-based arts education. It supports skills like curiosity, empathy, communication, collaboration, engagement, initiative, and critical thinking, which are essential for 21st-century careers. Arts have played a vital role in my life and the lives of students like my daughter, Siena. Teachers like Amee Alioto at Adele Harrison and Jane Martin at the high school, who have significantly impacted students, exemplify the transformative power of arts education. Our students learn valuable life lessons in the process, underscoring the essence of arts education in fostering resilience and creativity.

3. What are some of the main qualities that distinguish Creative Bridges from other efforts to boost arts education in schools?

Creative Bridges stands out due to its collaborative approach, involving a wide range of community stakeholders, including nonprofits, community members, parents, students, teachers, and government officials. This broad alliance advocates for equitably improving visual and performing arts education across all TK-12 students in SVUSD. The manner in which Creative Bridges has approached this project, especially their effective communication, serves as a model for others, and should be emulated by anyone presenting to the board.

4. In what ways will Creative Bridges continue to be involved in planning and helping to implement SVUSD’s Strategic Arts Education Plan?

Creative Bridges will continue to be involved in the planning and implementation of SVUSD’s Strategic Arts Education Plan through advocacy and partnership expansion. They will likely play a key role in creating a hub of community arts education advocates and contributing to the strategic direction of the program. 

5. What does the district hope to achieve through the plan?

SVUSD aims to equitably improve TK-12 arts education by building a sustainable, standards-based visual and performing arts system. The plan also seeks to maximize district and community resources, including Proposition 28 funding, for the benefit of all TK-12 students​. Personally, I think the district’s goals acknowledge the role of the arts as a pivotal aspect of life. The district hopes to inspire similar passion and motivation in students through this comprehensive plan.

6. An emphasis is being placed on providing equal access to the arts for all students. Tell me about this.

The plan emphasizes providing all students with equal access to arts education, which involves developing a sequential, culturally relevant curriculum and ensuring that resources are allocated equitably. This approach aims to ensure that all students, regardless of their background, have the opportunity to engage with and benefit from arts education​. This commitment to inclusivity ensures that every student, regardless of their background, has the opportunity to benefit from arts education.

7. How will this plan boost arts education in SVUSD?

The plan will boost arts education in SVUSD by developing a comprehensive curriculum, recruiting and retaining specialized teaching staff, improving facilities, and utilizing data collection systems to measure the impact of arts instruction. It will also involve community partnerships and sustainable funding, including Proposition 28 funds​. The plan's approach to enhancing arts education in SVUSD mirrors what I believe are the virtues of education generally. It aims to cultivate resilience, creativity, and passion in students that are part of everyone's personal journey with the arts.

8. Would you like to say anything else?

This Strategic Arts Education Plan represents a significant commitment by SVUSD and Creative Bridges to enhance arts education, recognizing its crucial role in overall student development and preparing students for diverse and creative career paths in the future. The collaborative and comprehensive approach of the plan reflects an understanding that arts education is not just an enrichment activity, but a fundamental component of a well-rounded education. I personally appreciate the work of Connie Schlelein, Cheryl Coldiron, and others involved. I believe that a life well-lived is a work of art itself, and that this plan, reflecting the dedication and collaborative effort of all involved, promises to enrich the lives of every SVUSD student.